2015 – Monday/Tuesday and Shunga and Catchup
KASULU – We are enjoying our last week here in Kasulu. It will actually only be a few more days. The plane leaves from Kigoma so early in the morning that we have been advised to spend the prevous night in Kigoma. So Thursday (today – later in the day) we drive to Kigoma, Friday we fly to Dar es Salaam and Saturday we leave for Dubai and on to New York. Technically we could easily fly from Kigoma and make the plane to Dubai on the same day, but you can never be certain that Air Tanzania will fly on schedule, or sometimes even at all, so its always best to go to Dar a day early.
After the busyness of the weekend, Monday was a slow day. We spent the morning in the DWT compound. The Bishop’s only chance to meet with us this trip was mid-morning. So we spend the morning writing up our activities from the weekend and meeting for about an hour with the Bishop.
The afternoon was spent at the Bible College. We started with our Swahili lessons and learned about personal possessives. Unlike English, where we only have “these, those, that, your, their and theirs, the personal possessives change depending on what they refer to. There is one group if the noun belongs to a person and three other classes for “thing” nouns, and you just have to memorize what the correct form is for the noun! Well, my goal here is to understand what folks are saying, not speak it perfectly, so if I at least recognize that that it’s a possessive I guess that I will be doing well.
Bill spent the rest of the afternoon documenting the network set up at the Bible College and then we headed back to the compound to get cleaned up and dinner with the Bishop and his wife and four year old granddaughter, Alyssa. Dinner was late due to all kinds of Bishop demands but we had a good visit and, as usual, helped with a few technical issues with iPads and personal laptops.
Tuesday we headed for Shunga to do a site-survey for wi-fi there. Shunga is a medical clinic run by German Missionaries that really should be (and is on track to being) classified as a hospital. The drive there was a bit exciting. The road, overall was in much better shape than any of the other roads we have been on this year – until we got to this one culvert over a wash. The middle of it was completely worn through with only two layers of rebar between any vehical and the drop to the wash below. The only warning about this condition was the branch that someone had stuck upright into the rebar. We stopped the car, got out and looked at the situation. The road-bed on the right side was not quite wide enough for the car to pass over, so Bill and I stayed out of the car while our driver slowly crossed the culvert. He made it without getting stuck or going over and Bill and I got back into the car to continue our journey.
One thing we noticed on thos drive was wooden utility poles laying at regular intervals alongside the road until about half-way to our destination. It looks as if electricity is making it’s way out to regions were roads don’t show up on our maps aps!
We were greeted at Shunga by Sister Christine, Felix, the nurse from Germany and our old friend Rev. Fred, who is currently working at Matyazo but was at Shunga to help Christine with some bookkeeping. Felix showed us around and we did an intial determination of access points, repeaters and bridges that would be needed to network the complex. We will pull up the complex on Googel Earth later and create a detailed plan. The idea at this point will be to start with internet networking between the two “sister” houses and some doctor’s houses. These houses are closer to the hospital offices and wards, so that will be a jumping off point for adding networking to the hospital in the future. Currently NOTHING is computerized and Felix and we think that a good start would be computerizing lab results.
At lunch the discussion was what the source of the internet would be. There is a new cell tower being built right next to the complex. They are not sure what the carrier on it will be, but they are hoping that the carrier will install 3G on the tower. Right now the best they can do is get Vodocom Edge service. It’s hard to even do emailing at that level of service. There is a group back in Germany that was talking about installing satalite based internet at Shunga, but, as we have learned, if 3G cell is available, it is MUCH less expensive and much faster that satalite.
We headed back home via the Kabondo road so as to avoid the broken culvert, got cleaned up and picked up Daudi and Olivia to go out to dinner at the Kasulu Motel. As Bill wrote in his blog, Olivia brought chicken that she had cooked. It wasn’t BILL’s chicken, which somehow got lost, along with one of the Ndhana’s chickens while they were in Kabondo, but the thought was there. (In other chicken news, I have heardd that the Bishop’s chicken arrived from Kigoma on Tuesday.)
Yesterday (Wednesday) was our final Swahili lesson at the Bible College. Bill helped Festus get the Presonus Mixer we had brought for him to work and verify that everything is okay with it. One issue was a “popping” sound that Festus was getting when plugging in a microphone that uses phantom power, but Bill recalled that he has the same issue with those kinds of microphones and some mixing boards at home. Alll supporting drivers have been downloaded and correcttly installed now, and the rest is just learning curve.
Dinner was at Reginald’s house. His older daughter is away at school, the one that is still at home is so cute! We enjoyed some of the tastest pork that I have had here. We also saw a DVD of us singing at Shunga last year.
Soon we will be heading down to the Bible College for a farewelll lunch and then head off to Kigoma with Sister Christine. More later.
2015 – That Was the Weekend That Was

- Our weekend travels: Kasulu to Uvinza to Kigoma to Ujiji and back.
The Bishop had divided up the preaching for the weekend between all the men of our party, and it was Pastor Reginald Moshi’s turn. Reginald is in charge of IT at the Bible College and he is a joy to work with. He preached on God’s love. We sang twice and gave greetings.
2015 – TGIF – Busy Weekend Ahead
After an early morning eucharist at Marusi, we spent most of the today at the Bible College again. Bill was doing more anti-virus work and teaching Reginald and Festus more about tcp/ip and firewalls. Festus and Reginald took apart an HP printer that was, falsely, it turns out, reporting a paper jam, in order to repair it. It seems that the issue is a bad sensor and there is no repair that can be made.
I spent the morning reviewing yesterday’s Swahili lesson and talking to various students.
When we returned home for lunch there were two craftsman (fundi) working on the broken front door in an attempt replace the broken lock with a new one. There was a lot of filing and there will be welding and other retro-fitting tomorrow, as the new lock is a very different size (smaller) and shape than the old lock.
We called Sister Christine at Shunga, and she will be very happy to have us come on Tuesday to do a site-survey for getting wi-fi set up for the Shunga Clinic.
After lunch we headed back to KBC and our Swahili lessons. The students were once again laying bricks, this time for the back wall of the staff offices. A student procured a white cloth that we will hang in the classroom where we will be showing “Despicable Me” tonight. More mango juice and Nido (the essentials!) was purchased on the way home and then Bill saw the Bishop to find out what time we are leaving tomorrow for the confirmations that will be happening Saturday and Sunday down in the Kigoma area. Good thing he checked as it’s early! We are leaving at 8:30 a.m., which is fine except that we asked for Swahili homework to do over the weekend and Bill has a laptop to look at for someone. I’m not sure when we will get these tasks done.
In the meantime, the hot water which almost always runs, even when the cold water is turned off at the German house, has run out, so we will be bathing out of barrel water tonight, with a little help from the electric kettle. Nothing new. Every house here always has a least one big barrel of water for times like these. Welcome to Kasulu!
Today’s prayer request is for safe travels tomorrow (Satuday) and Sunday, and for the confirmands at the three churches we will be visiting.