TZ 2016 – and HERE (5/2)

The Luggage piled up in the back of the Land Cruiser – and Bill’s knee.
Where did Sunday and Monday go? Well, most of Sunday was spent on a plane (after ALL of Saturday was spent on a plane). We arrived in Dar Es Salaam on schedule and were met by our taxi driver, Moshambo, who we had met last year, after some fun and games with getting the tablets through customs. (Prayer and Bill’s stubbornness got us through without paying tax, and we have since learned how to get the proper paper work in advance for future years.). Showers and dinner at our hotel. Lights out by 8:00 pm. We were exhausted!
The alarm went off at 5:00 am so that we could checkout and head for the airport at 6:00. We like to be very early. When we got there, we found that we didn’t have to wait to check in…because the plane was leaving over an hour earlier than we thought! (Travelers tip: always double check the schedule!). We were met at Kigoma airport by the Rector of St. Micheal’s in Kigoma, Karibu, and his wife, and Mama Escofu (Edita). Rev. Karibu took us to get something to eat, and then we drove to Kasulu in the Land Cruiser, with Edita, two of her grandchildren (Lisa and Adam) and Efram’s wife. It was a little crowded with all our luggage!
After a challenging rainy season drive on the unpacked section of road, we arrived in Kasulu and at the diocesan compound. We were greated by everyone with the traditional singing and dancing and then lead in to the “House of Bill Hostel”. (That’s what is says in Swahili on the key tag, anyway.). More about the hostel tomorrow. We plan to go shopping for it.
As always, that you for your prayers. I would appreciate prayers especially for my health as I am feeling as if I am on the edge of cold kind of bug.