2015 – TGIF – Busy Weekend Ahead
After an early morning eucharist at Marusi, we spent most of the today at the Bible College again. Bill was doing more anti-virus work and teaching Reginald and Festus more about tcp/ip and firewalls. Festus and Reginald took apart an HP printer that was, falsely, it turns out, reporting a paper jam, in order to repair it. It seems that the issue is a bad sensor and there is no repair that can be made.

Bill preaching to the KBC students yesterday (Thursday) morning.
I spent the morning reviewing yesterday’s Swahili lesson and talking to various students.
When we returned home for lunch there were two craftsman (fundi) working on the broken front door in an attempt replace the broken lock with a new one. There was a lot of filing and there will be welding and other retro-fitting tomorrow, as the new lock is a very different size (smaller) and shape than the old lock.
We called Sister Christine at Shunga, and she will be very happy to have us come on Tuesday to do a site-survey for getting wi-fi set up for the Shunga Clinic.

Making mortar for the brick work (yes, that IS one big mud-pie).
After lunch we headed back to KBC and our Swahili lessons. The students were once again laying bricks, this time for the back wall of the staff offices. A student procured a white cloth that we will hang in the classroom where we will be showing “Despicable Me” tonight. More mango juice and Nido (the essentials!) was purchased on the way home and then Bill saw the Bishop to find out what time we are leaving tomorrow for the confirmations that will be happening Saturday and Sunday down in the Kigoma area. Good thing he checked as it’s early! We are leaving at 8:30 a.m., which is fine except that we asked for Swahili homework to do over the weekend and Bill has a laptop to look at for someone. I’m not sure when we will get these tasks done.

Starting on the back wall of the staff offices.
In the meantime, the hot water which almost always runs, even when the cold water is turned off at the German house, has run out, so we will be bathing out of barrel water tonight, with a little help from the electric kettle. Nothing new. Every house here always has a least one big barrel of water for times like these. Welcome to Kasulu!
Today’s prayer request is for safe travels tomorrow (Satuday) and Sunday, and for the confirmands at the three churches we will be visiting.