2015 – Short Post Thursday

German House at the DWT Compound, where we are staying with Andrea.
Kasulu – We have a tendency to be totally oblivious to the Tanzanian holidays, and today ended up being one of those holidays we are oblivious to. I thought that the noise from the mosque started a little earlier than usual, and it is very unusual to hear drumming. I know that drumming is part of the Ramadan celebration here, but that was over back in June. Then when we drove down to the Bible College for the 7:00 am Thursday Eucharist that Bill had been asked to preach at we noticed that the street in front of the mosque was blocked off and it was full of people sitting on the street. Turns out that today is the celebration of the Hajj and that is a national holiday here. Even the Diocesan offices were closed and there were no classes in the Bible College.
Bill successfully tried his last trick to get the messed-up-wouldn’t-boot work station fixed and it worked! But it meant that he missed today’s Swahili lesson because he didn’t want to stop what he was working on. Today’s construction at the Bible College consisted of plastering the secretarial office that is being built just inside the door of the administrative offices. No work on the staff offices today!
We came home from lunch to find that Andrea, our hostess, had returned from her travels. It is really nice to have her here.
We are off to a Cathedral parishioner’s home for dinner tonight and the driver is waiting, so I’ll end here.
Tommorrow starts at 7:30 in Marusi for the last Friday of the month eucharist.