Comfort Zone: June 1st – Final day in Kasulu; Deacons and Farewells

Bishop Makaya in his ordination vestments with Canon Daniel.
Church today was at Marusi and it was a huge celebration, ordaining three new deacons who had just graduated from the Bible College yesterday. Marusi is a very beautiful church, but it is not particularly large. The service was jam-packed, both with people and activities.
The service was almost delayed due to the late arrival of the new deacons…there had been a communications snafu about who was providing transportaton. It was really sweet, they were all wearing matching brand new suits. There wives were also wearing matching brand new suits as well.
There were four choirs: KCC (Kasulu Cathedral Choir which is THE choir standard in the area), Maursi, and what I think was the Marusi Mother’s Union choir. Also a traditional choir that sang in Kiha (the traditional tribal language of the area) and danced. They wore bells on their legs so it was quite a change for the guitar/synth based sound of the other choirs.

The traditional choir singing and dancing with two of the deacon candidates to the left.
Canon Helen preached the sermon, which I think was very special. These had been her students for the past two years and she had a very important part in sending them out into their new ministires.
There were so many people present that the offering required two choirs before everyone had come forward. Then there was an opportunity for everyone to come up and shake the new deacon’s hands and make a contribution towards their new minisitries. There was communion, which went quite quickly, and the saving grace was that they did NOT auction off the non-monetary offerings (of which there were quite a few) before recessing from the service. Still it took over four hours before we processed out and proceeded to lunch.
It was Sunday afternoon, so of course there was a Bridal Party doing wedding pictures in the garden at the compound shortly after we returned.
This evening we had a nice quiet celebration with just the DWT “core” group at the usual hotel with the standard menu: rice, chicken, beef, beans, cabbage and fruit.
KBC gave us a lovey konga with a map of Tanzania, Kenya and Burundi (? can’t remember and it’s folded up for packing now.). I really admired the katanga that Mama Escofu was wearing on Friday. I thought it would be lovely to get some of the cloth. Well, behind my back, she contacted her friends to get some and had it made up into a shirt and skirt that fits me perfectly and a matching shirt that is a little tight around Bill’s middle, but will fit him perfectly when he drops a little weight.
Love the people here, and will sincerely miss them, the sounds of the Tanzanian birds and the dry warm days and cool nights, but must admit that I am ready for a salad and not having to crawl out from under a mosquito net.

A wedding party arrives at the compound for pictures.