Comfort Zone: May 31 – Bible College End of Year
KASULU BIBLE COLLEGE, KASULU, TZ. We spent the morning here attending what is the KBC version of graduation ceremonies.
We started with communion with an excellent sermon by Cannon Helen on being humble – not full of ourselves – so that we can be full of God – not bad for a sermon given with only 20 minutes notice!

Rev. Canon Helen Sammons preaching at the Bible College.
As with any commencement, there were many speakers, which, or course I couldn’t understand, but which the students seemed to enjoy. Eventually they handed out laminated certificates, the Bible College’s version of diplomas. Then there were gifts for the best students in the classes.
Finally there were many gifts for Helen and Alister Sammons who have been working here for the last two years and are leaving just after we head for home, and also for Elisha, who has been the technology teacher (and I just found out is a doctor as well as a priest), who will be heading home to Burundi on Monday. I think that the Bible College will miss the three of them very much. I know that I will miss them when we return next year.

The “Hot Spot” type cellular modem that the Bible College will be using for internet access. You can’t buy them in Tanzania.
This was of course followed by another standard Tanzanian feast (chicken, beef, rice, beans, etc.) and now Bill is working with Reginald, who will be taking over the technology (and is eagerly soaking up everything that Bill can show him) and configuring a hot-spot device that we are buying from the Sammons for the Bible College. They will give it to Daudi to hook up when they leave and their son will have another one waiting for them when they get back to Britain. These things work like a charm here, but you can’t buy them in Tanzania anywhere.