Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone: Heading Back to Tanzania

When it comes to going to new places, I am a chicken. My husband can also tell you that I dislike change. In fact, fear that the Lord would send me to a mission to Africa was one of my stumbling blocks in my decision to commit to Jesus as my Lord when I was in my early twenties.

So what am I doing, heading out on my fourth trip to Tanzania? God is gracious and good. He has provided me with a trailbreaker and partner, in the form of my husband, Bill, who loves the Lord, loves to travel and loves adventure, in that order. It was his promise to the folks at Kasulu Bible College, made at God’s instigation, and fulfilled by His wonderful provision that allowed us to forge a partnership, and more importantly friendship with so many people in the Diocese of Western Tanganyika.

After three trips (this will be Bill’s tenth tip to Kasulu), Tanzania is both familiar and strange. Despite a resolution to learn Swahili, I still know only a very few words. Things change: the vendor we worked with for years in Dar Es Salaam is no longer there, so Bill has had to find another. This is sad, as we considered him a friend as well as someone we trusted to do business with. This year there is no room for us in the Diocesan compound, so we will be staying in a hotel in the center of Kasulu. I find myself wondering how the water will work in the hotel. It only ran a few hours a day at the compound and I knew how to deal with it. I do know that we will be safe there. Our friends would not allow us to stay anywhere where we would be in danger.

I can also trust that God will walk with me, hand in hand, and show me what he wants me to do and say as we spend time with our friends in Kasulu. Many will be old friends, many will be new. As most will have limited English at best, (but more English than I have Swahili) communication will be a challenge. What we do have in common is our love of Jesus. Bwana asifiwe! Praise the Lord!

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